Tuesday, January 17, 2012

MLK Inspired

- Tempera Paint
- White Drawing Paper
- Construction Paper (Red, Black, White, Yellow, Brown, Pink)
- Pencil
- Scissors
- Paintbrushes
- Sponges, Paint Scrapers (Optional)
- Glue

Martin Luther King Jr. was a civil rights activist. Peacefully advocating for the rights of all people, we honor every 3rd Monday in January to the late Dr. King. In celebration of MLK Jr. Day, we made a collage symbolizing all of human kind striving for love and peace.

1. Paint paper any way you'd like it. You can blend, paint a design, paint a pattern, sponge, paint scrape, anything!

2. Trace your hand or a friend's hand on all colors of construction paper except pink. It might be a nice activity to trace a different friend's hand for each color, building on the "working together" theme.

3. Cut and glue into a collage either all holding a heart or a peace sign made from the pink paper. If students have extra time, they can color in/ design their heart/ peace sign.

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  1. this will be great for beginning of school activity

  2. Thanks for the great ideas for MLK Day art classes!

  3. Inspiring art project in recognition of MLK day!!
