- Martin's Big Words by Doreen Rappaport
- 9" x 12" Black Construction Paper
- 9" x 12" White Construction Paper
- MLK Silhouette handout
- Scissors
- Gluestick
- Markers (optional)
I read Martin's Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to the class. We had a great discussion about Dr. King and why we celebrate the upcoming "day off." I found this great and simple lesson on Teaching With Style.
1. Each child will need to fold the MLK Silhouette handout in "half like a hot dog." You should have one half with a half a portrait and one half with blank white.
2. Fold the 9" x 12" white construction paper in "half like a hot dog."
3. Place the folded construction paper inside the folded hand out, folds on the same side.
4. Cut through both papers, following the portrait lines. For our project we did not do the eyes or eyebrows. Do not throw out any pieces!
5. When you unfold the pieces, you should end up with a whole head, background, nose, mouth, etc. Starting with the background, cut along the fold so you have two halves. Pick one half and glue onto the black paper- try to match up to the edges the best you can.
6. Find your head you cut out and cut along the fold. Choose the half that is opposite the background you just glued down. Glue this down opposite that background.
7. Do the same for the remaining pieces.
8. We wrote inspirational words and decorated our blank space.

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- Martin's Big Words by Doreen Rappaport
- 9" x 12" Black Construction Paper
- 9" x 12" White Construction Paper
- MLK Silhouette handout
- Scissors
- Gluestick
- Markers (optional)
I read Martin's Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to the class. We had a great discussion about Dr. King and why we celebrate the upcoming "day off." I found this great and simple lesson on Teaching With Style.
1. Each child will need to fold the MLK Silhouette handout in "half like a hot dog." You should have one half with a half a portrait and one half with blank white.
2. Fold the 9" x 12" white construction paper in "half like a hot dog."
3. Place the folded construction paper inside the folded hand out, folds on the same side.
4. Cut through both papers, following the portrait lines. For our project we did not do the eyes or eyebrows. Do not throw out any pieces!
5. When you unfold the pieces, you should end up with a whole head, background, nose, mouth, etc. Starting with the background, cut along the fold so you have two halves. Pick one half and glue onto the black paper- try to match up to the edges the best you can.
6. Find your head you cut out and cut along the fold. Choose the half that is opposite the background you just glued down. Glue this down opposite that background.
7. Do the same for the remaining pieces.
8. We wrote inspirational words and decorated our blank space.

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