Art Lessons

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Dia De Muertos Monarchs

- Watercolor Paper
- Watercolor Paint
- Paintbrushes
- Black Sharpies
- Pencils
- Oil Pastels
- Monarch Butterfly Examples
- "Uncle Monarch" by Judy Goldman

The first monarchs arrive at their winter home in Mexico each fall. Their arrival falls on the first and second of November, which is when Dia De Muertos is celebrated by many Mexicans. According to traditional belief, the monarch butterflies are believed to be the souls of of their ancestors returning to visit. It is a celebration of joy, love, and remembrance.

1. Read "Uncle Monarch" and discuss Dia De Muertos to students. Discuss how other cultures may view death and compare to our traditions.

2. After a demonstration and practice, draw monarch butterflies onto "good paper." Make sure to fill the space with either one large one or several smaller ones.

3. With a permanent marker, color in the appropriate black areas.

4. Color in butterflies with orange oil pastel. You can also color in the spots with white oil pastel. The oil pastel will help keep them vibrant and bright compared to the background.

5. Draw large flowers and leaves in the background. Do not color in.

6. Paint flowers in.

7. Paint in blue background.

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