Art Lessons

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ceramic Slab Castles

- Clay
- Ceramic Tools
- Paper
- Pencils
- Scissors
- Black Tempera Paint Mixed with Water
- Metallic Tempera Paint
- Paintbrushes

1. Demonstrate and draw a castle. I limited the students to a piece of paper about 6" x 9". Cut out castle. For this project, you actually want to avoid too many details, at least for the sketch.

2. Roll out a slab of clay and use the castle cut out as a tracer. Cut out with a cutting tool.

3. Build details up. Emphasize texture. 

4. Fire.

5. Paint entire castle with watered down black tempera paint.

6. Use fingers, or paintbrushes, to add metallic paint. I liked the look of having some of the black peek through, giving it an antique look. 


  1. These are so awesome! Will be trying this some day. Thanks for posting.

  2. What grade level was this?

    1. I did this with 5th grade, but I can easily see 2nd, 3rd, and 4th doing this as well!
