Art Lessons

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Plaster Masks

- Plaster
- Water
- Buckets/Tubs for Water
- Vaseline
- Towels/ Paper Towels
- Paint
- Large plastic bags

1. Pull hair back and make a wrap around head using plastic bag, framing face. Tie back with tape.

2. Use another plastic bag to drape over shoulders and make a smock.

3. Apply vaseline to face, especially over hairs. This will be your release.

4. Dip plaster strips (about 4" - 5" in length) and layer onto face. Smooth out with fingers. We did a top half one class, let it set, and then the next class, placed that hardened half on the face, and attached the second half. It takes about 15 minutes to dry and set, so we didn't have enough time in the period to do a whole mask. We covered eyes and let a little space for the nose that the students could later patch up.

You can also use a hair dryer or fan to help speed up the drying time.

5. When the whole mask is complete, set, and dry, draw and paint.

6. Add any needed embellishments or build off of mask.

* If students chose not to use their actual face, I had plastic forms they worked off of as a model .

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  3. Just rip it. In order to build muscle, one must first rip the muscle. Muscle ripping happens when weights are used to lift repetitions over and over again. Once the muscle reaches a fitness level where it can not longer lift the same weight again, or make another repetition, the body has begun to build muscle. Muscle HD These rips are the key to increasing muscle, strength and metabolism. The fitness program should end with stretching to spread out and release the lactic acid in the muscle. Lactic acid causes the pain felt after a fitness workout.

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  5. Many weight lifters who wish to gain significant levels of muscle mass aim to achieve a muscle pump or burn during their weight lifting workout sessions, with the feeling that such a sensation is a sign of muscle overload and breakdown, therefore improving the chances for muscle growth. Bodybuilders will even specifically seek out the muscle pump or burn by modifying certain weight lifting workout factors in order to encourage such a feeling, and often tell other weight lifters how their workout was extremely potent or describe a certain weight lifting exercise as feeling superior specifically due to the muscle pump or burn that accompanies each set.

  6. Some people take it very seriously and it disturbs their mental state of mind and there are people who don't take this as a serious problem and they just overlook it. For those who find it a disturbing factor and want the scars to be removed, have good news for them. Now-a-days there are various treatment available for the removal of scars. There are many dermatologists who perform surgery and suggest other effective treatment for the removal of the acne scars.

  7. Acne is a common problem that is faced by many people in their teen years and the worst part of this acne is that it leaves scars that completely destroy the beauty and charm of the face. The impact of acne is so severe that it can destroy the most beautiful face also.

  8. Acne is a common problem that is faced by many people in their teen years and the worst part of this acne is that it leaves scars that completely destroy the beauty and charm of the face. The impact of acne is so severe that it can destroy the most beautiful face also.

  9. Acne is a common problem that is faced by many people in their teen years and the worst part of this acne is that it leaves scars that completely destroy the beauty and charm of the face. The impact of acne is so severe that it can destroy the most beautiful face also. It depends on the individual how they take it.

  10. Acne is a common problem that is faced by many people in their teen years and the worst part of this acne is that it leaves scars that completely destroy the beauty and charm of the face. The impact of acne is so severe that it can destroy the most beautiful face also.

  11. Acne is a common problem that is faced by many people in their teen years and the worst part of this acne is that it leaves scars that completely destroy the beauty and charm of the face. The impact of acne is so severe that it can destroy the most beautiful face also.

  12. The first point is to evaluate your needs. The type of home health care services will range from providing senior company to providing housekeeping support or companion care. If your family member has incapacitating health condition, you should be looking for more skilled nursing care. It will be best to get the advice of a doctor to evaluate what kind of home care services are required for your family member.The third important point is to ask the caregiver, preferably the agency, to provide proofs of background checks .Ask them about the methods they have used for performing the background checks. This can help you decide whether the screening procedures followed by the agency are reliable or not. If you are not satisfied with their methods, just move to another agency to evaluate their methods.

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  14. Do you have a senior family member who is in need of in home health care services? You may be in search of such an aide for someone who is disabled or is suffering from a chronic illness. Whatever the case may be, you have to make your choice carefully. You want someone who is responsible and trustworthy and has all the experience and training to take care of your loved one. The following tips will make it easier for you to choose the right home health care aide.

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