Art Lessons

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Liebster Blog Award

Thank you so much to Rachel at color, collage, and much more for passing on the Liebster Blog award to me! The idea is to pass this on to fellow bloggers that I admire with 200 or less followers.

Congratulations to:
1. Think Create Art
2. Princess Artypants
3. Happily Ever After... An Art Teacher's Favorite Teal
4. Miss Young's Art Room
5. Thomas Elementary Art

These blogs have amazing lessons to share and are definitely worth taking a peek at!

To continue the award,
1. Copy and Paste the award onto your blog
2. Thank the Giver and link back to them
3. Pass along to 5 new bloggers and let them know via comment
4. Keep spreading your love of art to other bloggers

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