Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Micrography Portrait

- Student Photographs
- Pencil
- Eraser
- Fine Point Sharpie
- Extra Fine Point Sharpie
- White Drawing Paper

I LOVE doing portrait projects with my students and I always do an identity project to begin their art term. I thought this would be a great way to combine the two.

I teach my students about micrography and how it differs from typography. I took photos of all my students and printed them out for their guides. I also gave them a worksheet where they needed to list 40 POSITIVE characteristics about themselves.

1. Trace all major outlines of the face. Include neck, shoulders, eye brows, hair lines. I avoid doing individual teeth and emphasize do not draw a triangle around the nose. My students always want to draw a whole shape for their nose because they mentally know there is a nose there, but I have to point out that we don't see a shape around our nose like our eyes or mouth. I demonstrate how to do the nostrils and bridge.

I did mine on tracing paper as an example for my students to see what I'm looking for. It's hard to see pencil marks on a black and white image from far away. Tracing paper is not needed for this lesson, but you can definitely add it as an extra step.

If you did do this on tracing paper, you would now have to transfer the contour drawing onto a "good piece of paper." If not, I approve the outline, and then students can sharpie the outline right onto the print out.

2. NOW we trace the contour line onto a "good piece of paper" either using a light box or a window. The students should have a pencil contour line drawing on their final paper similar to what is seen above.

3. Fill in with words! The actual lines (ex. neck, chin) are just written on with words. Students will start to notice the smaller the letters and the less space between, the more "filled in" the image appears (just like pointilism, eh?). This part is all done with pencil.

5. Next step is to extra fine point sharpie over the words.

6. Erase any visible pencil marks.

Some images I use as examples:

All are from: http://gawno.com/2009/05/micrography-text-art-and-typography/.

* You might also like Micrography Thumbprints.

** On a side note, does anyone know how to easily place pictures side by side? I'd rather post that way than have to keep scrolling...


  1. LOVE this lesson! I may have to do this with my 6th graders next year! Great resources too!

  2. Wow these are great I love them thank you for the link, I will try this out in class.

  3. I needed a quick lesson for two new students, so I gave your lesson a try. I absolutely love the results! Thanks for sharing!
    You can see my students work at http://stuckinthemudpottery.blogspot.com

    1. Oh my goodness I LOVE your Xerox faces! I'm totally going to try that with my class next year. :)

  4. Could you share the worsheet you give the students to brainstorm the 40 positive words about themselves? THANKS!!! Awesome lesson!

  5. Hi, Anonymous! I don't mind sharing : ), What is your email address?

    1. I'd love a copy of your words sheet too! Thank you!

    2. I'm a new middle school teacher and would love your worksheet if it's still available. My email is gazody@gmail.com. Thank you for sharing!

    3. Could I get the worksheet as well please


    4. Hi, Middle School Art Teacher in D.C., are you still sharing worksheets? Best

  6. Hi! I love this idea. I am going to use it for my first lesson with my 6th graders. Would you be willing to share your worksheet? Thanks! Great blog!

  7. Replies
    1. I would love a copy of that worksheet as well! staceylemp@gmail.com

  8. This is a great lesson! I teach Middle School Art in the inner city, and I know my students would really benefit from a Positive Identity lesson, such as this! If it isn't a bother, would you mind sharing the worksheet with me, also? I am so inspired by this lesson! Thank YOU!

  9. This looks great! What grade did you do it with? I want to try it with my fifth graders! WOuld you mind sending me your worksheet as well? Mara_S@icsbangkok.com

  10. Love this!! Thanks so much for the steps to do it. I think Im going to do this with my Art 1 class as an intro before we start our unit on portraits. If you wouldn't mind I would love if you would email me the worksheet for the 40 things. My email is

    Im all about begging and borrowing :)

    Thanks so much for sharing!!!

  11. Thank you so much..I love this lesson! I work with at risk students in the South Bronx, NY...this would be wonderful for them Please email me a worksheet and also what size were the finished portraits?

  12. I would love a copy of the worksheet for this lesson as well! Thanks,

  13. LOVE this! Just got everything prepped to do it with my 8th graders - Such a positive lesson. Thanks for sharing!

  14. Please send a copy of the worksheet. I would love to do this with my students so that can include it in their heritage book.

  15. Great lesson for the start of the new school year - as it is now in Australia!

  16. I would also love to have a copy of your character sheet. Thank you for sharing this fun lesson.

    1. This is a great project to start the year off. Could you please send me the worksheet? rachael.trinklein@bvsd.org

  17. I would also love a copy of your character worksheet. Thank you so much! I am constantly trying to find different ideas for my students!

  18. I would love a copy of the worksheet also if you don't mind :) My email address is dani1elle@yahoo.com

    1. or my school address is debert@putnamcityschools.org Thanks so much again! this is great!

  19. If it isn't too much trouble, I would really appreciate a copy of the worksheet you used. We did a micrography lesson using a dove to represent peace. I would really like for them to create a self-portrait! My email address is leilei3349@gmail.com.

    Thank you for sharing your creative ideas!

  20. Hello, yes, I would like a copy of your worksheet as well. Thank you for a wonderful idea!! amanda

  21. Great Lesson! Can I please have a copy of your worksheet also. And what size paper did you do this on?

  22. Hi, I too would like to have a copy of the worksheet. I am a volunteer art teacher for students in k-6. The school system here has cut all art programs due to budget restraints, so the students had nothing in the way of art or music. So I volunteer 4 - 5 days a week teaching everything from clay to watercolor to chalk... and LOVE EVERY SECOND!! Hopefully this will catch on with other parents as well and the upper grades can have art too. : ) Thanks for the creative idea. My email is kelearley@aol.com. Thanks again, Kelli

  23. Hi Hannah....
    Great idea! Can you send me a copy of the worksheet? Thanks!

  24. would you mind sending me a copy of the worksheet you use? houcklm@gmail.com

  25. I, too, am not above begging. Please send a copy of your worksheet to messerlyk@rcschools.net. Students at my alternative school need all kinds of ways to see themselves in a positive light. Awesome project! Thanks for sharing.

  26. This is FANTASTIC!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for posting this great idea! I'm your newest follower! If you do have a worksheet, I would love to have it! bwheato@hotmail.com


  27. I teach 5th gr and am always looking for something new for the students to makefor our 5th grade portrait wall on display during their elementary grad celebration. This looks like the perfect thing for them. I too would be so appreciative if you could email me the worksheet tamarans@leeschools.get thank you!

  28. I'm teaching 5th grade summer school this year. This would be a wonderful project. Please email me your worksheet @ rharewood@tattnall.k12.ga.us

  29. I know there have already been many requests for the workshet you have created and I am hoping that I can jump on the bandwagon as well. I think this lesson would be great for the students I am working with in Nepal. Art, self identity, dictionary work, and something to cover our walls that doesn't take a lot of resources...I'm in! email: kelly.skillingstead@gmail.com

  30. I, too, would love a copy of the worksheet! Thank you! jensiglin@gmail.com

  31. Love this...plan on having students do this as a part of a creative writing unit where their work will be displayed at 8th grade promotion. I'd love a copy of the planning worksheet, too.


  32. Thought you might like this one that was posted recently:
    or a mixed media:

  33. Hi! Awesome post! I can't wait to try this with my current class, and again in the fall with my AG (Homeroom) as a community building activity. Thanks so much for sharing! I too would LOVE your activity sheet...jana.buckle@sd71.bc.ca

  34. hey! I agree with everyone on this page! If possible I would love to do this with my Jr.High kids. Great way to start the year and work on positive self identity. My email is amanda.larson01@gmail.com. TIA!

  35. Hello, and thanks for a wonderful beginning of the year portrait activity. I would love to do this with my 6th graders. Will you share your activity sheet with yet another art teacher? Thanks so much! mmlind@charter.net

  36. Great lesson. Could you please send me the activity sheet

  37. This is wonderful! I would love a copy of the worksheet. Thank you!

  38. What a great idea! What size were the printed photographs you took of your students? If I had my students bring in a photograph, what size would you recommend? (I would make a copy for them to trace-wouldn't want to damage the original.) I would also appreciate a copy of the sheet you had your students fill out. Thanks so much!

  39. I, too, am loving this lesson/idea. We start school this Wednesday and have Open House the very next week! I would love to have my 6th graders work on this the first week and have something to show their parents! Would you please share with me the worksheet you used? I would also like to know what size of printed photo you had the students use. Thanks so much for sharing this!

  40. What a great lesson. I am going to give this a try and would love the worksheet that accompanies the lesson. Thanks for sharing

  41. I tried to comment, but didn't see it posted, I'll try again.
    I'd love to have the worksheet need for this lesson; I'd like to try it very soon.
    Thank you!

  42. Hi!!!! I love your idea too!!! School starts next week and I would want to try this right away. Could I also have the worksheet???


  43. Hello! I truly appreciate your willingness to share the micrography portrait idea. I am also interested in receiving your worksheet.

    Thank you,


  44. I'd love your worksheet, thanks! mrenkema79@gmail.com

  45. This is fantastic! If you're still sharing the positive words, please send them to juliemrsn@gmail.com. Thank you!

  46. I too would love a copy of your worksheet that accompanies this fantastic activity! Thank you - peg_dimakis@yahoo.com

  47. LOVE this project! May I have a copy of your worksheet as well? ctharme@lsps.org

  48. Would love to do this activity with my grade 6 class...could I also get a copy of the worksheet...thanks so much!

  49. Hello I am from Israel , could I also get a copy of the worksheet and the micrography lesson, great lesson thanks so much

  50. Sorry, I would love a copy as well of the worksheet. Emcurnew@cbe.ab.ca

    Thanks so much I really appreciate it.

  51. May I have a copy of your worksheet as well? Your willingness to share is appreciated. cjohnston@prsdmb.ca

  52. i love this project , can i get the worksheet to? sharon.sadiel@gmail.com
    Thanks so much I really appreciate it

  53. WOW! What a great lesson. l would love a copy of the worksheet for this lesson. And also,
    what size were the photos that you gave to the kids? Thank you so much for your time.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. I too would love a copy of your worksheet that accompanies this fantastic activity! Thank you -


    You're the best!!

  56. Hi! I really like this lesson as well! Would you mind emailing the worksheet to me too? Norrisc@frederick.k12.va.us

  57. May I have a copy of the worksheet? yangpajkou@gmail.com

  58. This is a great lesson. I am so happy I followed the link from pintrest! May I have a copy of the worksheet too? I would love to try this with my 8th grade. tracymarsh5@gmail.com

    Thank you!

  59. I've been search the internet for an awesome cumulative project for my grade 7/8s for our poetry unit, and I think I've found it!
    May I have a copy of your worksheet? I will ensure to credit you when I use it!
    Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful idea :-)
    My email is chewyeinstein@yahoo.com

  60. Love this lesson. We have been working on zentangles, and I am sure my students would be up for this lesson. We have started our poetry unit for poetry month and this lesson will fit in nicely. Could I also get a copy of the worksheet, as my students are younger and need direction, (me too!)

  61. Hi... I'd love a copy of the worksheet for this lesson, if you are still able to send it. Thank you for a great lesson.


  62. I would greatly appreciate a copy of the worksheet, too. I hope to use it with my middle school art class this year.

    Thanks in advance,


  63. I would also appreciate a copy of the worksheet. I'm starting to work at a summer school next week and this is a fantastic idea to start with.

    Thank you so much!


  64. I would really like to use this lesson as well for my "get to know you"-- could you send the worksheet? pamhoman@hotmail.com


  65. Much like many who also thought this was a fabulous art activity, can I too receive a copy of your worksheet? Very Much appreciated!

  66. Hi! Could I please get a copy of the worksheet? Thank you. Morozkristie@gmail.com

  67. Could I please get a copy of the worksheet. Thank you so much! Canadaquail@gmail.com. Great lesson by the way, thank you so much for sharing!!!

  68. LOVE this project! Could I get a copy of the worksheet too? thanks so much for sharing!

  69. I would like to request the worksheet to use with this project. I am looking forward to trying this lesson with my class. Thank you for sharing your work and your classroom. lis.aaah@yahoo.com

  70. I, too, would love the adjective brainstorming worksheet you use for this project! I can be reached at bethhampson@gmail.com. Thanks so much!

  71. I have 75 new Fundamentals of Art students and this looks like a wonderful introductory lesson. I have a few questions: Did you use a digital camera? How did you print all those photos? Did you send them to a copier? What size were the printed photos? ...and I would really appreciate your adjective brainstorming sheet.
    Thanks so very much!

  72. I'd love a copy of your worksheet for the adjective brainstorming......Thanks so much for sharing!!!!

  73. Me too please! c.collins09876@gmail.com

  74. Amazing just what I have been looking for. I would also love a copy of your sheet. How did you make the cool letters for the bulletin board? I am also curious how you made the digital copies? Thank you
    Megan Burns

  75. hello, these came out great ! would you mind sending me the worksheet also. thank you very much acon5104@gmail.com. thank you again

  76. Me too please. acon5104@gmail.com

  77. Would love a copy of worksheet too! chamura2003@yahoo.com thanks!!

  78. This is brilliant. Would you mind sending copy of the worksheet through? ashleyjbennet@gmail.com

    Thanks :)

  79. Hi I love this idea? Well done! Would you be able to send me the worksheet of the adjectives/ ideas?
    My email is c_townshend@hotmail.com

  80. Love this idea! Can I please have a copy of your worksheet as well? My email address is: PisaniKr@spsd.org Thank you!

  81. I would like a copy of your list as well please. I would like to do this project with my 5th grade GT students. srodriguez@esc17.net

  82. I would also love a copy for my 5th grade GT students. May I have a copy of the adjective brainstorming worksheet? Very much appreciated!!!

  83. If the worksheet is still available, please send to dmelmore@gaston.k12.nc.us


  84. I would love a copy of this as well! What a great post! THANKS!

  85. Can I have the worksheet too? Thank you. slarosa@llcsd.net

  86. If the worksheet is still available, please send to lhawthorne@christianlifeschool.org

  87. LOVE THIS!!! Can you please send me the worksheet too please?

    Thank you!!!!

    1. Hi! This is AWESOME! Could you, please, send me that worksheet also? I'd like to try this with my 4th grade class... :)

      Thank you!

  88. I would LOVE to try this with my 9th graders. Could you please share your worksheet with me, also? Thank you so much!! greta.barron@lejardinacademy.org

  89. I'm going to try this, but in a Spanish class! I'd love to see your worksheet, if you don't mind sharing. Thanks!

  90. I love this! Would you please send me a copy of your worksheet also? Thanks so much! bridget.sullivan@aol.com

  91. Aaaaaannnnnnnd.......just like everyone else, I would love the worksheet. mpeter3@tacoma.k12.wa.us

  92. I, too would love the worksheet!!!
    This would be great for Open House and for cross curricular collaboration!

  93. I, too would love the worksheet!!!
    This would be great for Open House and for cross curricular collaboration!

  94. Would appreciate the worksheet if you are able--thanks! lhenkel01@gmail.com

  95. I would also really appreciate the worksheet if you're still in the giving mood :) Thank you for sharing such a great lesson!!

  96. This looks like a fantastic lesson to start the year with.
    Pleeeeez send me the worksheet.
    We all appreciate it :)

  97. I would love to try this. Can I have a copy of the worksheet too please? Thank you.

  98. Can I please have a copy of the worksheet as well? What a wonderful activity...I'm excited to share this with my middle schoolers. Thank you! elizabeths@greenwood-friends.org

  99. I would like the worksheet also, if you could send it please. Thank you! My email is cunninghams@greenecountycsd.net

  100. This looks like a great idea for my class. Thanks so much for sharing. May I have a copy of the worksheet you used? Thanks again! thompsam@westerville.k12.oh.us

  101. This is an amazing idea and a great way to see yourself in a positive light! I'm no teacher, but I'm going to do this just for fun!! Thanks for the great idea!

  102. I know this was posted about 5 years ago, but do you still have the worksheet? I saw your lesson and decided to try it out myself. It was fun! I want to try it out with my students now. Thanks. meaghan.edgerly@gmail.com

  103. I just came across your project and I love it!! Can I also get a copy of your worksheet if you still have it? isisherndez@gmail.com

  104. Hello. I would also very much appreciate a copy of your worksheet. Thank you. edgo1081@gmail.com

  105. This comment has been removed by the author.

  106. I needed to fill out VA 27-2008 last year and used a business that has an online forms library . If people require VA 27-2008 too , here's a http://pdf.ac/901Up0

  107. Wow--this sounds great! I would also love a copy of your worksheet please... pyveld@gmail.com

  108. Hi, I am a new teacher, and this is a great lesson to get me started off! I am new to arts ed and teaching grade 6 and 9!!! Im excited and nervous, just started brainstorming and researching, would I be able to get the worksheet? danika.w12@hotmail.com thanks

  109. Are you still sharing that worksheet? (4 years later?) If so, I'm at ashekelle@gmail.com

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  111. I just came across this lesson and would love to try it. Could I possibly get a copy of your worksheet on the positive words if it is still available? My e-mail is Mugzi30@yahoo.com.

  112. I would love to do this with my students! Would you please e-mail me? Thank you so much for sharing this! bbrown@opsb.net

  113. Hi There! This is a great lesson. I too am a new art teacher and if you are still emailing the worksheet, I would love to have it. Thanks for sharing and being sooooo generous!! sullivan@brooklynschools.org

  114. love this idea! if the worksheet is available still, I'd love to get a copy! Thanks, nf29@charter.net

  115. I would love to do this activity with my kids as well. If you still e-mail the worksheet out, please send me a copy as well to mwurmetzer@cbe.ab.ca. Thanks so much.

  116. I would love the worksheets associated with this lesson as well! Can't wait to try it with my fifth graders! Thank you, jpratt@abschools.org

  117. Hi Thankyou for creating such a comprehensive lesson with great results. I love the idea of using character traits as the words to include. Could you please email me any worksheets you created to help stimulate ideas,
    Kind Regards

  118. Great Lesson! If you still are responding to requests, I would also like a copy of the worksheet. Thank you so much!

  119. If you are still sharing the worksheet, me too please! THank you! pyveld@gmaill.com

  120. I would love it too, please! dtkryzer@gmail.com

  121. Great lesson!!!!!!
    Could you share your worksheet with me too. chiundougherty@hotmail

  122. I am so excited to do this with my 8th graders. Please share the 40character traits ws. gdearborn@tustin.k12.ca.us
    Thank you

  123. I would love the worksheet thanks robin.sweezy@ppsd.org

  124. Hi! I love this lesson idea. I do one like it digitally using animals but I would love to do this one on the first day of school. Would you mind sending me your worksheet please, mladouceur@sllboces.org. Thank you so much!

  125. This is an amazing project. I just got moved to High School art and I will be doing this as my first project.

  126. Hi! This looks like such a wonderful lesson. Would you mind also sharing the worksheet with me please? demmacarty@hotmail.com

  127. hello, would you mind sharing your worksheet with me as well?

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    Catatan, mereka banyak pemberi pinjaman palsu online untuk menipu Anda, merobek Anda dari uang hasil jerih payah Anda, harus dari mereka pergi sejauh membuat situs pribadi mereka hanya untuk menipu Anda, pinjaman yang mengarahkan Anda untuk mengunjungi situs web palsu, mereka semuanya penipu.

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