Art Lessons

Friday, September 26, 2014

Welcome, Baby Elijah

Baby Elijah! Born August 22, 6:09 pm, 8 lbs. 11 oz, 21 inches. Yes... it's been over a month, and no... that's no excuse to have been slacking in the blogging world. I tell ya, I don't know how you lovely parents do it! Raise your family and keep up with blogging- I give you credit! Meanwhile, my 2 year old and newborn have been giving me a run for my money! I'm on maternity until December, but I VOW to get back at it with this blog... it's been stagnant for too long. Until then, I'll be checking in on your blogs here and there, keeping in touch that way. But trust me, if I had more than possibly one hour of free time a day, I'd be all up on your sites!