Art Lessons

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Kindergarten Prep

Kindergarteners are let's say.... one of a kind? It takes a special type of teacher to go into the Kindergarten field and I give them tons of credit. I just assumed during my first two years it was a little crazy because I had less experience. It hit me on my third year that Kindergarteners really are different.


It is currently 2 in the morning and I can not sleep! I came across this blog, How About Orange, as I am a huge DIY-er and there were some interesting time-wasters that I ended up trying.

These aren't the time-wasters that are related to the classroom that you might be initially thinking about. They are more for the artists inside us.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

County Art Show

It's the time of summer that comes every year meaning that it's almost over- County Fairs! Our county fair art show is kind of, well.... crazy.

Monday, August 8, 2011

So.... I'm slightly panicking...

Yes... it is that time of year when we start getting back into the classrooms, really organizing our thoughts for what is about to happen in about a month and get settled in to take a deep breath before the rush of the school year begins. It's chaotic, it's fun, and we oddly enough look forward to it every year.

I've heard of people getting room switches at the last minute or different grade assignments, but I never thought it would happen to me. As of this morning, I have been informed that I will be teaching an extra class next year - 7th grade.

The seventh grade is a grade I have never taught, and although I'm excited to see and surprise my returning 6th graders, I'm super unprepared (and the italicized 'super' is an understatement). It's an entire grade I have to come up with some kind of curriculum for in about a month! During requisition time, I obviously did not prepare or buy anything that was specifically in mind for 7th grade projects, and, I just realized that I have 7th graders all year long (on an 'A' and 'B' day rotation), as opposed to my 10 week 5th and 6th graders- aaahhhh!!!! HELP!!! Has anyone taught 7th grade? Have any amazing lessons? Care to share some insight?

Before I sit down and try to map out and organize my game plan here, I of course had to sign on to Blogger and vent. This is me taking in a deep breath.